Some aims, that I don't think I'll call resolutions. By aiming to do these things over the coming year it allows me to form a habit, but also allows me to fall behind slightly without it feeling like a failure. The trick is to not fail twice in a row.

  • Eat more consciously. Just being more aware of the contents of what I eat will help me to control my diet and food addiction. Is this food fuel for a workout? Is it a treat?
  • Upload to Strava every day. This pushes me towards a more meaningful workout every day. Not just cycling, but a walk of 30+ minutes as a minimum, and even stretching/weights at home can be logged.
  • Set boundaries around work time. Cure procrastination and avoidance during work, give non-work time more meaning.
  • Be nice to yourself. I talk to and berate myself in a way that I wouldn't dream of speaking to others. I set absurd standards that I'd never expect of someone else. I let a feeling of guilt for not being productive creep into my downtime.

These aims combined should make a pretty large difference to my life. Each one feeding into the next, making each one easier to manage.