Being in the demographic I am, I have seen Peep Show a few times and it still amazes me that one of the creators went on to make Succession, a high profile HBO drama loosely based on the Murdochs. Though Peep Show also featured Olivia Coleman so maybe I'm doing it a disservice and it was actually a springboard for greatness?

Jessie Armstrong also co-wrote Four Lions and In The Loop, you can trace a line of comedic drama with sweary wordplay ('he once called me the Cunt of Monte Cristo' could fit into any of them) intertwined with strong plot that would hold up as a pure drama.

This week's Succession contains a misunderstanding of Jaws from Greg, where he seems to think that the shark is named 'Jaws'. The same idea is in Peep Show with Jeremy confused. I like to think that was a little Easter egg for people like me who can't remember the important details of their lives yet can recall the entire dialogue of certain films and TV shows.