The last week has seen some good weather, finally. Sun, things turning green, the first glimpses of proper spring weather. And yet, some people I have cycled with over the years are still using indoor trainers and Zwift.

Watching a digital representation of actual roads with an overlay of stats. Finish the ride and figure out if it was good or not based on the numbers, not on the feeling.

I recognise there are levels of enjoyment. To some, a certain number of watts over a certain period of time is the goal. That's not it for me. I have tried. I used Trainer Road for a while and worked to power zones that are proven to make you faster. I have recently sold all my indoor training stuff because I would use it from time to time and hate every minute, making me less likely to keep up the consistency. The numbers mean so little to me compared to the experience of being out there.

I'm not going to say never again, but next winter I am much more likely to ride on rollers than a fixed trainer.