• All focus time needs to be a minimum of 2 hours
  • Any meetings need a buffer zone around them, for prep and recovery
  • Context switching kills productivity

All focus time needs to be a minimum of 2 hours

It takes me some time to build a mental model of what I am working on, especially something new. I'm comfortable with TypeScript, but when generics start to get complex I struggle to keep track. Thinking of them in the same way as passing arguments to a function helps, but the single letter naming convention makes it abstract.

Any meetings need a buffer zone around them, for prep and recovery

Meeting prep, to appear at least slightly knowledgeable of what is going on, is an essential for me. Recovery is similar; some meetings are heavy and need decompression time, some are absolutely empty and divert my brain into off-topic thinking.

Context switching kills productivity

Some people can spin multiple plates, I usually need to make sure one plate is properly balanced on the stick at a time. Someone asking for a quick chat is a sure fire way to eliminate a large chunk of time. Do I need to give advice on an approach for something? IS that something a thing I haven't thought about for a while? I love helping people but the same buffer zones apply.