Times I have climbed Snowdon:

  • 1996?. 13, with my Dad, Pyg track.
  • 2006. Crib Goch. I won't be doing that again.
  • 2007. Ranger path. Didn't quite make it to the top because of waist deep snow.
  • 2007. Rhyd Ddu path. The day after, less snow, horizontal icicles at the top.
  • 2007. Up the miner's track, and around the whole horseshoe. Solo trip, fell and knocked myself out on a rock, which was a bit silly.
  • 2021. Rhyd Ddu path. On a whim. Tough. Cloudy.
  • Today*. Rhyd Ddu path. On a whim. Tough. Clear all the way up, cloudy at the summit. My knees may never recover.

* Yes, I caved and went on a quick trip to Wales despite saying I wouldn't. I'm weak (and not just my knees).