Before going to Chicago a few weeks ago, I had an idea in my head of a specific photo I wanted to take. On the L (the Chicago subway is almost entirely elevated so is known as the 'L'), black and white, very wide angle, with the inside of the train car and the passing city both in focus and each taking around half the frame.

I got hold of the lens I needed, spent a little time figuring out the right train and line to take, and the time of day to avoid there being too many people but enough light. It turned out that perfect storm was extremely hard to find, so I had a window to take just two shots. Here is the keeper:

A black and white photo taken at a very wide angle on the Chicago L. The inside of the car is on the left, and a view of the city and the elevated line is on the right of the frame
Chicago, 2023. Leica M6, Voightländer Heliar II 15mm, Kodak T-MAX 3200