In 2011 I decided to move to Nottingham, which meant leaving London and my job. While I believe that doing so enabled me to be where I am now, for better or worse, what if I hadn't moved?

  • I would have remained in my job with HMV, but I almost certainly would have been made redundant
  • I would have had to have moved into some kind of house share, as the 2012 olympics made the rental market in east London even more insane than before
  • I think the friends I had would have been lost even if I'd stayed. We just drifted apart
  • I may have struggled to find a job in web engineering; I didn't have demonstrable experience and I was able to get my foot in the door as someone was willing to take a chance (to save money, let's be honest)
  • I actually believe I may have left the city anyway. It can be a hard and lonely place to live, especially as you get older and the instant access to nice bars becomes much less important