Book review: Food isn't medicine, by Joshua Wolrich.

The book goes beyond the title premise and attempts to debunk a lot of food myths. Carbs are not bad, fat is not bad, eggs are not as harmful as smoking, and food cannot cure disease.

The simple point is: We eat food, not nutrients. Food is never really bad, but context and quantity matter. A point that is sorely missed from so many fad diet books is that food is supposed to be enjoyed, and depriving yourself of food you enjoy because you've been convinced that it's bad for you will only lead to binges, guilt, and a bad association with food and weight.

I have struggled with food for years and a number of debunked 'facts' in this book are things I really believed. Intermittent fasting is one; don't worry too much about what you eat, just make sure you do it in a small window. This might lead to losses but it lacks any focus on nutrition.

Privilege and food inequity is covered briefly, and it's a strong point I hadn't considered much before. Nearly a million people in the UK do not own a fridge and cannot even store fresh food, yet they'll still be told by someone with a book to sell that they need to do better. It all comes back to that feeling of guilt.